Computed Tomography (CT)
Computed Tomography (CT) scan is a medical imaging technology used to obtain cross section images of the body via low dose x-rays. Images obtained are much detailed than regular X-rays and are useful for the evaluation of the brain, neck, chest, abdomen as well as to screen for fractures or abnormalities in the bones.

Coronary CTA
Showing calcified plaque LAD coronary artery

CT Urography
With left renal tumor

CTA of the Brain
Showing anuerysm at ACOM anterior communicating artery
Technology Used
iScan uses advanced CT Scanner technology that enables safe and fast CT examinations while delivering high resolution images for various routine and special examinations, including Coronary CT Angiography.
Our Manila and Quezon City branches use fast 128 Slice CT scanners, with software and image reconstruction technologies that help obtain highly detailed images at shorter scan times
Low Dose
Our CT Scanners are equipped with dose reduction technologies that can help reduce patient dose as much as 60% while producing high definition images
Dual Energy
Dual Energy is an advanced CT acquisition technology that uses different levels of X-ray scans that can help reduce metal artifacts when scanning implants. Our Dual Energy acquisition and reconstruction software is also able quantify kidney stone composition helping with the evaluation and treatment of stones. (Available at Dimasalang branch)

Before the Examination
Before the CT scan, please advise our technologists if you have allergies, asthma or are allergic to any medicines. For women, please advise our technologists if you are pregnant or think you may be prior to scheduling the examination.
During the Examination
- During the examination, you will lie on a comfortable padded table connected to the CT scanner. It is important to hold still while the scan is being conducted.
- A contrast material may be used for some CT studies.
- Examinations normally take 10-20 minutes, however the exam could take longer depending on the examination requested.
Results are available the next business day.
Preparation for CT examinations will vary depending on the type of the procedure to be done.
- Serum creatinine and BUN (laboratory exams) are required for all scans with i.v. contrast injection. Results of laboratory examinations taken within two months are still valid.
- For abdominal scan, 8 hours fasting is usually needed prior to the examination. For other scans with i.v. contrast, 3 hours fasting is sufficient.
- For abdominal scan with triple contrast, please call the center for detailed instructions.
Please check with us on the complete preparations for your procedure when you schedule your appointment
- CT 3D scans and reconstruction
- CT Angiography (CTA) for the head, neck, chest, abdomen, carotid arteries, thoracic and abdominal aorta, renal arteries and extremities
- CT Coronary Angiography
- CT Calcium Scoring
- CT of the Chest, Abdomen (including triphase, triple contrast scans) and Pelvis
- CT of the Head, Neck and Spine
- CT of the extremities
- CT Colonography
- CT Stonogram
- CT Urography